Step 2
Domain Options
Step 3
Step 5


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Magento Nginx+HHVM (php fallback) 32GB RAM/320GB SSD NL - Preconfigured to for optimal Magento Performance - 320GB of SSD
- Buffered disk reads: ~250 MB/sec
- 320GB SSD Disk Space
- 32GB RAM
- 12 VCPU
- 7000GB Monthly Bandwidth Transfer
- Nginx with HHVM + PHP-FPM (fallback)
- Mysql tuned for Maximum Performance
- Zabbix Monitoring & Graphs (CPU/Memory/Mysql)

Ubuntu 14.x with VestCP control panel.
Netherlands Data Centre
Full Server Management
Includes 24/7 SMS Notification Monitoring to our staff
CPU / Disk / Memory / Security / Load Email Notification Monitoring to our staff

Magento SSD VPS - 35GB - Preconfigured to for optimal Magento Performance - 35GB of SSD
- Buffered disk reads: ~400 MB/sec
- 35GB SSD Disk Space
- 2.7GB RAM
- 1 VCPU
- Nginx with PHP-FPM
- Mysql tuned for Maximum Performance
- MRTG Graphs

SSD VPS - 60GB Melbourne - Preconfigured to for optimal Magento Performance - 60GB of SSD
- Buffered disk reads: ~150 MB/sec
- 60GB SSD Disk Space
- 2 VCPU (4Ghz)
- 75GB Monthly Bandwidth Transfer
- Nginx with PHP-FPM
- Mysql tuned for Maximum Performance
- Zabbix Monitoring and Graphs

CentOS 6 (64bit) with ISPConfig3 control panel.
Melbourne Data Centre

Full Server Management
Includes 24/7 SMS Notification Monitoring to our staff
CPU / Disk / Memory / Load Email Notification Monitoring to our staff
Includes migration, setup and configuration

SSD VPS - 80GB Melbourne - Preconfigured to for optimal Magento Performance - 60GB of SSD
- Buffered disk reads: ~150 MB/sec
- 80GB SSD Disk Space
- 4 VCPU
- 200GB Monthly Bandwidth Transfer
- Nginx with PHP-FPM
- Mysql tuned for Maximum Performance
- Zabbix Monitoring & Graphs (CPU/Memory/Mysql)

CentOS 6 (64bit) with ISPConfig3 control panel.
Melbourne Data Centre

Full Server Management
Includes 24/7 SMS Notification Monitoring to our staff
CPU / Disk / Memory / Security / Load Email Notification Monitoring to our staff

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