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AWS - Level 1 (Managed Amazon Hosting Support Service) - 1 x Below is Supported on AWS (Amazon) infrastructure in Sydney Datacentre

1 x DB Server with 50GB of disk
1 x Frontend Magento server - 15GB ram, 8vCPU - 100GB Disk Storage
1 x CDN (Content Distribution) with Cloudflare

- Quote includes 700GB of bandwidth from the servers.
- Nginx +PHP-FPM (or optionally HHVM if all your connected services support it)
- 24/7 Monitoring and Support for both the server environment and Magento via SMS to one of our support staff
- Daily snapshot backups of content and database
- Ability to scale-up and down rapidly (1 day scheduled or 1hr in an emergency) as needed - paying less than $1 per hour for the extra compute capacity required
- Ability to setup AutoScale (additional costs) to automatically scale up and down depending on load.*
- All setup is tuned by MageAustralia specifically for high-performance Magento.

* Support covers the hosting environment. If not using our development services, any time spent other developer's errors will be charged at our standard hourly rate.

Monthly Fee: $1775.00 @ 1775.00


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