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LinBasic - Just Starting Out? Not much traffic?

Our Magento hosting is optimised for fast pageloads (192MB SQL query_cache_size, large key_cache & mod_deflate).
100% compatible with Magento
24/7 Monitoring
cPanel, cron, custom apache directives, SSH upon special request.
1000MB storage, 2GB transfer
Unlimited SQL, 10 mailboxes
Free Magento installation

LinSOHO - Business is growing? Starting to make sales and have between 100-300 visitors a day or just need more space? Here's what we recommend.

Our Magento hosting is optimised for fast pageloads (192MB SQL query_cache_size, large key_cache & mod_deflate).
100% compatible with Magento
24/7 Monitoring
cPanel, cron, custom apache directives, SSH upon special request.
2000MB storage, 5GB transfer
Unlimited SQL, 20 mailboxes
Free Magento installation, Free Magento Transfer

LinBiz - Business is booming! You're starting to make some serious sales and enquiries but can't quite justify the cost of a Managed VPS or Dedicated Server.

Our Magento hosting is optimised for fast pageloads (192MB SQL query_cache_size, large key_cache & mod_deflate).
100% compatible with Magento
24/7 Monitoring
cPanel, cron, custom apache directives, SSH upon special request (for Australian users only).
10GB storage, 20GB transfer
Unlimited SQL, 40 mailboxes
Free Magento installation, Free Magento Transfer

LinCorp -

LinuxDedicated -

ResellBasic - Our most popular reseller package.

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